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Sacko's Technology

Sacko has created an innovative, patent-pending technology that allows users to identify and label people within digital photos. Sacko's ability to capture, store and retrieve this data enables it to change the way people find, view and share digital photos online.
Capturing Data
After uploading a photo or while viewing picture, users have the option to identify individuals within a photo. The website provides an innovative mechanism allowing users to circle each person in a photo.

Users can change the size and location of each circle to match the individual’s size in the photo. When the client chooses to save his/her data. Sacko ascertains the location of each person in the photo base on the corresponding circle. Sacko stores this information.

Searching for photos
Users may search for photos containing any single person or combination thereof at the click of a mouse. The user can add more contacts to his list at any time and conduct searches for them. Sacko returns the search results as thumbnails that can be clicked for a full view.

Viewing Photos

Sacko’s technology powers a completely unique interface for viewing photos. This interface allows users to simply point the cursor at an individual within aphoto and determine his/her identity. When a user views a photo, Sacko generally displays a list of names of everyone pictured who has been labeled. When the user points at a name in that list, the Sacko interface highlights that person within the image. Alternately, if the user points at a person in the photo, the interface displays the person’s name. For privacy reasons, each user has the option of using a screen name, email, full name or remaining anonymous. Furthermore, clicking on a person in a photo initiates a search for additional photos containing that person, which Sacko automatically finds and returns to the user’s browser.


Sacko allows all users to control what photos are shown to other members. Sacko provide the ability to make albums public (viewable by anyone) or private (viewable by only the members with whom you explicitly share it with).

In addition, Sacko provides photo-level security, allowing member to prevent other members from searching and retrieving specific photos of themselves. This feature enables members to find all photos of themselves, while at the same time, allowing users to manage what photos other member view.

With this level of security, Sacko offers the most efficient and secute way to archive and enjoy photos online.